The City of Gardena’s Vacant and Underutilized Lot Analysis and Park Concept Designs project is a collaborative effort between KTUA and Evari Consulting. Evari Consulting utilized high-quality aerial photography, GIS, and AI technologies to identify vacant and underutilized lots within city limits. From this comprehensive analysis, three sites were selected to advance to the park concept design phase.
To ensure the designs reflect community needs and desires, the project team organized a series of workshops and pop-up events. These events served as platforms for residents to voice their priorities and suggestions for the potential park sites. With this valuable input, KTUA’s team of skilled landscape designers crafted initial park concepts tailored to the community’s preferences.
The draft designs were presented to the public in a final community workshop, which allowed residents to provide feedback. The input was used to refine and finalize the park concept designs, thus ensuring they meet the community’s expectations and needs.